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88th Fall Convention

We were so grateful to finally be back in person at Jackson's Mill to Celebrate our 88th Fall Convention!

Our State Officers- (l to r) Harmony Watkins, Hank Phillips, Addison Grindo, Kaylee Criner, and Sundance Lewis

Our Middle School Delegates

Our High School Delegates

Full Student Delegate Turn out

Our Group leaders

Bonfire where all the groups did their skits

Winners of the Olympic games

Our Banquet Speaker- Caleb Hanna. Caleb was a group leader only a few years ago at Fall Con 2018 shortly before he was elected the youngest WV elected official, the youngest elected official in the US!

HS Principal of the Year- Betsy Patterson Parkersburg South High School (South Delegates accepted her award on her behalf)

HS Advisor of the Year- Jaime Moss Parkersburg South High School

MS Advisor of the Year- Sean Hoskinson West Fairmont Middle School

MS Principal of the Year- June Haught West Fairmont Middle School


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